Press Releases

Polydeck Knowledge College Debut a Huge Success!

Posted by Matt Donovan on Thu, Oct 26, 2017


As an ongoing initiative to partner more closely with our customers, Polydeck Screen Corporation has developed the Polydeck Knowledge College. This is a library of customer requested topics available for presentation at individual plants, regional venues, Polydeck Distribution Centers, and at national industry events. Having made presentations via webinar and at events like AGG1 and ConExpo/Con-Agg, the most effective delivery of technical subjects like these often occurs at a localized event. The most recent, and perhaps most impactful example of this, titled The Science of Screening, was conducted October 11th in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Initially targeted for an audience of 15-20, pre-event publicity resulted in more than 40 registrations representing 6 different companies. The ½ day event began with a lunch for all attendees, followed by presentations on Crushing and Screening Principles, Screen Media Options, Improving Screening Efficiency and Screen Media Maintenance. At the end of the presentations, a roundtable discussion allowed participants to evaluate the training and ask questions or make suggestions.  

Be watching for a Knowledge College event coming soon in your area!
